
Bitumen Repairs
Bitumen Repairs
The team at Remote Civil can carry out all Bitumous Works.
Building Pads
Building Pads
Through years of experience, we have developed a process to build and ensure excellent compaction.
Bulk Earth Works
Bulk Earth Works
Remote Civil can undertake Bulk Earthworks
Car Parks
Car Parks
Remote Civil specialises in the construction and sealing of car parks.
We can build up a solid foundation and shape for your road to ensure good drainage, stability and strength.
Remote Civil specialises in the preparation, maintenance and sealing of driveways.
Emulsion Seals
Emulsion Seals
As pavement specialists, Remote Civil is experienced in emulsion sealing for car parks, roads and highways.
Ground Repairs
Ground Repairs
We can manage all your bitumen repairs, sealing and more.
Road Construction
Road Construction
Remote Civil have extensive road building and maintenance experience
Stabilising or rehabbing is an effective method of mixing ground materials in situ.

If you'd like a quote, have any questions or just want to chat contact our team today.

T: 0458 726 111

64 Zimin Drive Katherine NT 0850

Remote Civil
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