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Carpentaria Highway Flood Damage Repair
Carpentaria Highway Flood Damage Repair
Carpentaria Highway Flood Damage Repair
Carpentaria Highway Flood Damage Repair
Carpentaria Highway Flood Damage Repair
Carpentaria Highway Flood Damage Repair


Carpentaria Highway is located approximately 590km from Darwin. The highway links Borroloola to the Stuart Highway and services many communities, stations and Mcarthur River mine along its length. It is a major route for all essential supplies. The length of works was for a total of 4000m spread.

Carpentaria Highway Flood Damage Repair

Northern Territory Government- Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
16 Weeks

Project Included

  • Bulk earthworks in cut and fill.
  • Cement stabilising sub base utilising a profiler/stabaliser
  • Sealing using an EcoEmusion with 10mm/7mm aggregate
  • Develop Borrow pit and rehabilitation
  • operate a purpose-built workers camp
  • Conformance Testing

If you'd like a quote, have any questions or just want to chat contact our team today.

T: 0458 726 111

64 Zimin Drive Katherine NT 0850

Remote Civil
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